:: March 11 :: Let's Learn Tinkercad! 

Don't forget your Exit Tickets! Each is worth 5 Points


to log in to YOUR class period to TinkerCAD 


C: Voice Level 2 (only the people next to you can hear you and no shouting across the room)

H: Ask your team, elbow partner or raise hand

A: Work on the assignment

M: Stay in your assigned seat

P: Work till assignment is completed

S: Finishing your work

Typing.com ASSIGNMENT!

Intermediate::  Speed :: Due Friday, March 14


Take a moment to check ATLAS!

Are you missing anything? Are your grades correct?

If you are finished or waiting, work on Clever!

Students click on the Clever icon on the desktop 

Sign in using the username & password (same as logging into computer)

Click on the square that says iReady 

Continue until time is up!

Lessons have been assigned to them based on their diagnostic test results both in Math and Reading. Within each lesson are brain break games. The district is pushing a goal of 45 minutes per week on Online Lessons in ELA and 45 minutes per week in Math to close the gaps found in the diagnostic. Math and ELA are providing some of that time during the week, but not all. 


What you need to know!

WHAT ARE WE LEARNING: TinkerCAD,  an easy-to-use 3D CAD design tool!

WHY IS IT IMPORTANT: Gives the user the ability to take something that's 3D and represent it in 2D. It is essential to all industries that use 3D modeling like architects,  engineers and game designers!

HOW WILL MY TEACHER KNOW WHAT I LEARNED: You will complete starter lessons on TinkerCAD and soon answer questions based on what you completed!

Weekly SLISC (Standards, Learning Intentions, and Success Criteria) 

:: Standard C6.3 ::

Use media design and editing software: keyframe animation, drawing software, image editors, and three-dimensional design. 

:: California Standards for Career Ready Practice 2::

Career-ready individuals communicate thoughts and ideas using written, verbal, electronic, and/or visual methods. 

:: Learning Intention:: 

:: Success Criteria:: 

Log in to our class on TinkerCad!

 Your username has been made for you! 


to log in to YOUR class period to TinkerCAD 

Signing in!

Select Join with NICKNAME 

(Your Nickname has been created for you!))

Your "Nickname" is your FIRST NAME and LAST NAME and YOUR PERIOD NUMBER

(No Spaces)

Let's Get Started: 





Click See all lessons!

Don't forget your Exit Tickets! Each is worth 5 Points

Here's an example of a how-to guide in  8-sentence for making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich:

Gather two slices of bread, a jar of peanut butter, a jar of jelly, and a butter knife. Place the bread slices side by side on a clean surface. Open both jars and use the knife to scoop a generous amount of peanut butter onto one slice of bread. Spread the peanut butter evenly across the entire surface of the bread slice, making sure to cover it edge to edge. Clean the knife on the edge of the jar or with a paper towel before dipping it into the jelly jar. Scoop some jelly and spread it evenly on the second slice of bread. Carefully place the two slices together, with the peanut butter and jelly sides facing each other. Your peanut butter and jelly sandwich is now ready to enjoy!

Today: Let's Learn Tinkercad! Pt.1 :: Getting Started - Navigation and Menus

Key Points:

Worth 20 points!

This assignment is worth 20 points in total! 

Total 20 Points

Review:  Align  it!

Key Points:

Worth 20 points!

Review:  Hide  it!

Key Points:

Worth 20 points!

Review:  Duplicate it!

Duplicate it!

Key Points:

Worth 20 points!

Duplicate it!

Review:  Size it! / Copy it!

Size It!


Click each LESSON to complete

We will walk through these together! But...there will be additions too!

Worth 15 points!

Copy It

Key Points:

Worth 15 points!

Review:  Group it!

Group It


Click each LESSON to complete

We will walk through these together! But...there will be additions too!

Key Points:

Worth 15 points!

Review:  Move it / Rotate it!

Move It

Click each LESSON to complete

We will walk through these together! But...there will be additions too!

Worth 15 points!

Rotate It

Key Points:

Example on how to a Write a how-to guide on Move it in 5 or more sentences. 

Review :  Place it / View it !

Place It

Click each LESSON to complete

We will walk through these together! But...there will be additions too!

Worth 15 points!

View It

Key Points:

Example on how to a Write a how-to guide on place it in 5 or more sentences. 

First, I click the "next" button repeatedly until the pyramid structure appears on my screen. From the tool panel at the top of the interface, I select a block using the left mouse button. I then carefully position five different blocks on five separate stairs of the pyramid. Once the blocks are perfectly arranged, I return to the tool panel and grab a text block to add a personal touch to my creation. I click directly on the text block and replace the default "text" label with my own name. Opening the editing controls, I zoom in to reveal the rotational arrows that will allow me to adjust the angle of my name. With precision, I grab the rotation control and tilt the text to a 45-degree angle. Before submitting, I thoroughly inspect my work, comparing it to the original assignment requirements to ensure I've recreated the pyramid exactly as instructed. 

This assignment is worth 20 points in total! 

Total 20 Points

Turn-in Screen shot of : Levels 1- 18 On Teams

To get points for All parts, turn in all screenshots Due 3/1/25