:: February 13 ::
C: Voice Level 2 (only the people next to you can hear you and no shouting across the room)
H: Ask your team, elbow partner or raise hand
A: Work on the assignment
M: Stay in your assigned seat
P: Work till assignment is completed
S: Finishing your work
Take a moment to check ATLAS!
Are you missing anything? Are your grades correct?
If you are finished or waiting, work on Clever!
Students click on the Clever icon on the desktop
Sign in using the username & password (same as logging into computer)
Click on the square that says iReady
Continue until time is up!
Lessons have been assigned to them based on their diagnostic test results both in Math and Reading. Within each lesson are brain break games. The district is pushing a goal of 45 minutes per week on Online Lessons in ELA and 45 minutes per week in Math to close the gaps found in the diagnostic. Math and ELA are providing some of that time during the week, but not all.
CODE.ORG: Designing an App
No need to sign in to code.org today!
WHAT ARE WE LEARNING: App Development...Planning!
WHY IS IT IMPORTANT: Why is it important to plan out the design of an app? Planning can save time so the developers don't spend time designing faulty user interfaces. Planning can help the developers talk through and test out ideas with the users of the app.
HOW WILL MY TEACHER KNOW WHAT I LEARNED: Students brainstorm app ideas and sketch out user interfaces in preparation for the next lesson where they will return to App Lab.
Lesson 3: Designing an App Part 1
Sign in to code.org! Make sure you have your development guide handy!!
Use the images you found last week!
In your App Photos Folder on your desktop!
Let's get started:
Click Botton below to begin
ASSIGNMENT: Designing an App...Part 1
Downloading images!
Make sure you have your development guide handy!!
Now SEARCH online (Google or Bing) to find images to use for your app!
Once you find an image, right click on it and SAVE IMAGE AS to the APP PHOTOS folder on your desktop or on One Drive!
(Hint: you created this folder in Lesson 2 named the folder App Photos...when we found an image of a Cat)
Remember to be specific! Finding what you want takes time.
Look for clear/clean images.
File types... .jpg or .gif or .png work best!
Remember that they MUST be relevant to your app!
Find at least ONE different image per screen (minimum 3 screens but try to find 10!)
Note: The Home Screen will probably have more images!
Download at least 10 images
.JPG (JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group)
JPEG is the most common format used by digital cameras and images living on the World Wide Web. This file format is based on lossy compression, meaning that it keeps information that is visible to the viewer and gets rid of data that the human eye can’t perceive. The popularity of the JPEG file stems from the fact that it is lightweight, while still being good enough quality for digital use. Due to its size, it will not only load faster, but it can be uploaded to any platform regardless of size limitations. This format can also be viewed on any device without the need to download a special image viewer. However, it’s important to be aware that every time you save a file as a JPEG, hence compressing it over and over again, it causes the image to lose quality and possibly become pixelated or grainy.
.GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
You’ve probably heard of this file type based on its most popular feature that’s taken the Internet by storm: animation! The GIF file is a form of bitmap images, meaning the graphic is composed of many tiny parts called pixels, just like the JPEG and PNG file formats. This file type is based on LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch), a special form of the lossless data compression algorithm. A GIF is most suitable for storing graphics with a few colors, such as simple diagrams, shapes, and logos, rather than gradients. For example, your business’ icons that contain three colors or less look great in this file format – plus, the small file size will be suitable to use anywhere. However, a beautiful sunset picture would not only be too heavy of a file size but also will look distorted because of the color limitations. One benefit of this file type is that it supports a transparent background, like a PNG file.
.PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
PNG is a high-quality file format used for images. This file type is based on the lossless compression, which means that it supports high-quality images for online use while retaining the original image colors and sharpness. Unlike JPEG files, PNGs also support images with transparent backgrounds. So, if you want to have an image without a background, like a logo or product, you can save it as a PNG file and use it with different backgrounds. However, this file is not as lightweight as a JPEG. Therefore, it’s not recommended to upload hundreds of large PNG’s to your website or portfolio as it will take up a lot of storage and ultimately increase the loading time of your site. And nobody has time for that.
Download at least 10 images
Search for an image you want to use in your app!
(I am doing the Hogwarts houses from Harry Potter as an example!)
Remember to be SPECIFIC!
Click ENTER on the Keyboard!
SELECT IMAGES on the top left
Google will give you suggestions...use them if you need them!
Remember we want to be specific as you will not be able to alter the image!
Click ONCE on the image you want!
Now RIGHT click on the image on the right (it should be larger)!
Go to your App Photos Folder
On the left side panel...
click THIS PC>DESKTOP>App Photos
Sometimes the file name is complicated!
You CAN change the file name...name it what it is but remember you can only use a file name one time as all files must have DIFFERENT names or it will over write the file!
Make sure the file type is JPG, GIF or PNG!!! (see "Save as type")
Really want an image but its not the right file type?
Simple...Use the SNIPPING TOOL!
Using that same Magnifying Glass Search tool...Type "Snipping"
The SNIPPING TOOL should show up!
- Click NEW
DO NOT try to download Snip & Sketch
Your screen should fade
Left click and pull you mouse over the image you want to "snip"
Then click the SAVE icon to save the image to your App Photos folder...remember to name the file!
NOW find 10 images that you want to use for your app (School appropriate please!)
Show me your folder when you are done finding 10 images (jpg, gif or png files)
Things you MUST have in your APP:
Minimum of 3 screens (you can have more!)
At least ONE different image per screen
Remember a title and instructions for your app (Home screen)
Includes images, audio and text on EACH screen
A clear and easy to navigate user interface (the user of your app will know what to do easily)
Clearly communicates information about YOUR topic
Click on Play (1-14)
Turn-in Screen shot of : Levels 1- 14 On Teams
To get points for All parts, turn in all screenshots Due 2/9/24